Reference Sludge Treatment:
Energetic Use of Sewage Sludge, Egypt
Client: | German Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection, Construction and Nuclear Safety via VDI/VDE-IT |
Period: | since 2017 |
Project Description
The Task is to foster the market access of German environmental and scientific know-how and technology on how to make use of the energetic resources of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants in Egypt and to investigate the volume and quality of the sludge and to identify the best disposal option for the two wastewater treatment plants of different size
- WWTP Giza (1,7 Mio m3/d) und
- WWTP Mansoura (270.000 m3/d)
Our Services
- Energetic performance at the plants will be checked against the recommendations of DWA 216 „Energy-Check and Energy Analysis“
- Appropriate measures will be outlined in a study